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This search, performed through 264.21 KB (26 documents, 2802 words), completed in 0.0 seconds and yielded 3 results.

Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter — 50.0%

[...] through the "Plugin Manager" plugin, but this is no longer installed by default. The new Plugin -> Admin feature doesn't yet support Poor Man's T-SQL Formatter, but should soon). If you need to install the plugin manually, you can get it from here: . For Notepad++ 7.5.9 and earlier, unzip the entire contents of the ZIP file (1 DLL + 1 folder containing other DLLs and stuff) into your Notepad++ install folder's "plugins" subfolder, eg "C:\Program Files\Notepad++\plugins". For Notepad++ 7.6 to 7.6.2, upgrade . These versions had inconsistent [...]

Android Stuff — 33.3%

[...] starting point for location tracker things Joyity / geocaching Notes/Postits: Use Astrid (Opensource and feature rich), AK notepad (simple) or toodo (complicated) or NextAction (GTD) or Doogle (integrated with phonebook) wikitude - annonted view (like sky view) Missed Call app - uses led for missed call alert, any use on galaxy?? phonalyzr - stats like the battery app but maybe better? netmeter - internet use stats? SMS commander - control phone by sms tts translator - translation tool Share your board - auto-whiteboard-fixup Localspinner - no idea what that was... noise [...]

Home IT Setup — 16.7%

[...] and externally, the easiest way to set things up is probably to use the "Additional DNSMasq Options" feature in dd-wrt: address=/ [...]

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