Page History: Nano TimeTracker
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Page Revision: 2007-06-10 18:02
This is a simple .Net 2.0 application, written in C#, that allows you to log the tasks you work on on a daily basis.
It sits in the system tray, and starting or stopping a task takes just a click (and optionally entry / confirmation of the task being started / ending).
Logs are stored as daily XML files in a specified folder, and that is where it's not quite "Usable" yet:
- The files are opened/saved automatically, not always including the latest changes
- categories of tasks don't work yet
- there is no practical way to look at previous days' information
I'm not putting it online yet because it's horribly buggy and I don't want to be responsible for bad timetracking, but if this sounds like something you'd be interested in please
tell me and I'll get it cleaned up and online asap!